Welcome to the JGrader Site
JGrader is a program that acts as an old-fashioned grade book would, except that it is easier, faster, and there is less chance of miscalculation. It can be used by teachers of every level of eductation, as there are several different methods of grading that can be used. It is fairly advanced, but simple enough to be used by anyone, even a teacher who knows very little about computers.
JGrader is completely free, as distributed under the GNU General Public Liscense. It is open source, which means that anyone can freely distribute it, share it, and even change it to fit their needs. Anyone can also see the source to see how the program was made. It is being written in Java.
Unfortunately, JGrader is still in the developmental stages and there have been no releases so far. However, there are many ways that you can help the development of JGrader go faster and work better. For example, you can give us your feedback on the support page. You can give us a donation through the donation page. Once the software has come out, you can test it and inform us of bugs. If you are a Java programmer, you can even help write JGrader! If you are a web designer, help improve the site. As you can see, help is needed, and everyone can help.
Feel free to navigate around the site, which is a work in progress in case you haven't noticed. There are many pages with good information about JGrader that you should see. Enjoy your visit.